Youth Educational programs.

horse powered Learning.

A program to help struggling students not only learn missing skills, but also assists them in overcoming the social-emotional challenges interfering with their learning.

Book a session.

Hold Your Horses offers individual and group sessions for K-12th grade students and adults, who are looking to enhance their reading and math skills.

Both individual and group sessions include individual client assessments and activities designed to address reading challenges.


how did it start?

Horse Powered Reading was developed by Michele Pickel, Ph. D., a Literacy Specialist, and a professor at Concordia University in Minnesota. It combines the EAGALA (Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association) model of equine assisted learning, with the use of research-based reading strategies that engage the mind, body, and emotions in learning. 

Since its inception in 2012, Horse Powered Reading has helped thousands of students become better readers. Programs are now available in over 37 states as well as Canada, Scotland and South Africa. We are very pleased to bring this dynamic program to the Henderson/Las Vegas area!

For more information about Horse Powered Reading, visit



Reading is the essential skill all students must master to be successful in school and in life.  Research has shown that difficulty in reading is not necessarily due to lack of teaching, but is also influenced by other social and emotional elements. Horse Powered Reading not only addresses key reading skills, but just as importantly: 

  • Builds self-esteem

  • Boosts motivation

  • Cultivates perseverance

  • Promotes problem solving

  • Develops self-efficacy

Lessons are facilitated by our qualified team of Licensed Therapists and Equine Specialists and built around the 4 key areas of effective reading:

  • Decoding new words

  • Building Vocabulary

  • Fluency - reading quickly, accurately and with expression

  • Overcoming barriers blocking Comprehension